- Devil Square Tickets: 80 % All Parts
- Blood Castle Tickets: 80% All Parts
- Illusion Temple Tickets: 80% All Parts
- Item Normal +10 Mix: 90%
- Item Normal +11 Mix: 90%
- Item Normal +12 Mix: 85%
- Item Normal +13 Mix: 75%
- Item Normal +14 Mix: 70%
- Item Normal +15 Mix: 68%
- Item Exc +10 Mix: 90%
- Item Exc +11 Mix: 85%
- Item Exc +12 Mix: 80%
- Item Exc +13 Mix: 70%
- Item Exc +14 Mix: 65%
- Item Exc +15 Mix: 55 %
- Item Ancient +10 Mix: 90%
- Item Ancient +11 Mix: 80%
- Item Ancient +12 Mix: 70%
- Item Ancient +13 Mix: 60%
- Item Ancient +14 Mix: 55 %
- Item Ancient +15 Mix: 50%
- Item Socket +10 Mix: 90%
- Item Socket +11 Mix: 80%
- Item Socket +12 Mix: 70%
- Item Socket +13 Mix: 60%
- Item Socket +14 Mix: 55%
- Item Socket +15 Mix: 50%
- Wings 1 lvl Mix: 75%
- Wings 2 & 3 lvl Mix: Goblin Info
- Wings +10 Mix: 80%
- Wings +11 Mix: 75%
- Wings +12 Mix: 70%
- Wings +13 Mix: 65%
- Wings +14 Mix: 62%
- Wings +15 Mix: 60%
- Dinorant Mix: 70%
- Fruit Mix: 90%
- Shield Potion Mix: 50%
- Pet Mix: 70%
- Piece of Horn Mix: 70%
- Broken Horn Mix: 70%
- Horn of Fenrir Mix: 50%
- Item 380 Mix 1: 75%
- Item 380 Mix 2: 70%
Talisman of Chaos Assembly —> Talisman of Chaos Assembly(TCA) can be used when upgrading an item (must be over +9) through Chaos Machine. It does not guarantee you 100% success rate, however it will prevent the item from disappearing when it fails.
Talisman of Luck —> Upgrade % of mix