Socket System MuOnline

The Socket System in MuOnline allows players to enhance their equipment with additional attributes, providing customization options for gear and enabling more strategic gameplay. To utilize this system, players must first obtain items with empty sockets, which can drop from specific monsters or be acquired through certain quests or events.

Once an item with an empty socket is acquired, players need to visit the NPC Seed Master to create “Seeds.” Seeds are special enhancements that add specific attributes, such as increased attack power, defense, or recovery rates. Creating a Seed requires various items and currency (Zen), along with a specific recipe.

After creating a Seed, players combine it with a Seed Sphere to complete the enhancement. Spheres are available in different levels (1 to 5), each level offering varying effects. Spheres can be found as monster drops, particularly in the Raklion area. By combining a Seed with a Seed Sphere, the player can insert it into the socketed item, activating the chosen attribute.

The Socket System adds depth to the equipment system in MuOnline, allowing players to tailor their gear to better suit their play style and the challenges they face.

Socket System MuOnline: How it works?

  1. Obtain an Empty Socket Item.
  2. Create a Seed and combine it with a sphere to achieve a Socket Item with options.


Seed Master

  • NPC Location: Elveland (46, 243) and Noria (169,101)
  • Option 1: Create Seed
  • Option 2: Add Seed in Sphere

Seed Researcher

  • NPC Location: Elveland (50, 243) and Noria (167,98)
  • Option 1: Add Seed Sphere in Socket Items
  • Option 2: Remove Seed Sphere from Item

Step 1: Get empty socket items.

These items can be obtained from monsters in the Raklion area. EXC Socket items can be obtained from few bosses on FortMU Server.

Look now: Golden Monsters & Bosses Rewards

Step 2: Create a seed through the NPC Seed Master in Elveland.

Required Items:

  • Excellent Item (level +4 or above) – 1
  • Set Item (level +4 or above) – 1
  • Jewel of Harmony – 1
  • Jewel of Chaos – 1
  • Jewel of Creation – 1
  • Zen – 1,000,000

Ancient item+4+add (minimum) + Excellent Item+4+add (minimum) + 1x Jewel of Chaos + 1x Jewel of Creation + 1x Jewel of Harmony = Seed

Seed Recipe:

The success rate depends on the level and items used for combination. If successful, it creates one of the seeds listed below.

Image Type Options
Fire Fire Attack/Wizardry damage increase (pro rata to level)
Attack speed increase
Maximum attack/Wizardry damage increase
Attack/Wizardry damage increase
Water Water Defense success rate increase
Defense increase
Shield defense increase
Damage reduction
Damage reflection
Earth Earth Stamina increase
Wind Wind Life auto recovery increase
Maximum Life increase
Maximum Mana increase
Automatic Mana recovery increase
Maximum AG increase
AG value increase
Lightning Lightning Excellent damage increase
Excellent damage rate increase
Critical damage increase
Critical damage success rate increase
Auto HP increase after monster death
Auto Mana increase after monster death
Ice Ice Skill damage increase
Attack success rate increase
Item durability increase

When it fails, all the jewels will disappear and Excellent or Set items will randomly downgrade to level 0~2.

STEP 3. Combine a seed and a sphere to get a Seed Sphere.

It has no functionality or effects on its own, and it cannot be mounted in a socket by itself. To use it, visit the NPC Seed Master and combine the seed with a seed sphere.

Seed + Empty Sphere + 1x Jewel of Chaos + 1x Jewel of Creation = Seed Sphere

Where you can find Sphere’s?

The spheres necessary to create a Seed Sphere can be found on the Raklion map. Spheres are available from level 1 to 5. Below, you will find information about each of them and the monsters they drop from.

Seed name Lvl Monster id
Sphere (Mono) 1 Ice Walker
Sphere (Di) 2 Ice Giant
Sphere (Tri) 3 Iron Knight
Sphere (Tetra) 4 Dark Coolutin
Sphere (Penta) 5 Dark Iron Knight

Seeds for weapons

Image Type Options Sphere level 1 Sphere level 2 Sphere level 3 Sphere level 4 Sphere level 5
Fire Fire (Level type) Attack/Wizardry increase 20 19 18 17 15
Attack speed increase 15 30 35 36 37
Maximum attack/Wizardry increase 30 32 35 40 50
Minimum attack/Wizardry increase 20 22 25 30 35
Attack/Wizardry increase 20 22 25 30 38
AG consumption decrease 40% 41% 42% 43% 45%
Ice Ice Increases Life when monster is killed 8 7 6 5 4
Increases Mana when monster is killed 8 7 6 5 4
Skill damage increase 37 40 45 50 60
Attack rate increase 25 27 30 35 40
Item durability increase 30% 32% 34% 36% 38%
Lightning Lightning Excellent damage increase 150 250 350 450 550
Excellent damage rate increase 12% 13% 14% 15% 16%
Critical damage increase 350 380 400 450 500
Critical damage rate increase 8% 9% 10% 11% 12%

Seeds For Armor (Set Items)

Wind Sphere Wind Automatic Life recovery increase 100 120 140 180 220
Maximum HP increase 4% 5% 6% 7% 8%
Maximum Mana increase 4% 5% 6% 7% 8%
Automatic Mana recovery increase 80 130 220 290 370
Maximum AG increase 260 310 360 410 520
Automatic AG recovery increase 10 15 20 30 40
Water Sphere Water Block rate increase (PvM) 10% 11% 12% 13% 14%
Defense increase 30 33 36 39 42
Shield skill protection increase (for Shield+skill) 1% 2% 3% 4% 5%
Damage reduction 4% 5% 6% 7% 8%
Damage reflection 5% 6% 7% 8% 9%
Earth Sphere Earth HP increase 100 200 300 400 500

Seed Spheres Type

Empty Sphere lvl 1 Level 1 Icons
Empty Sphere lvl 2 Level 2 Icons
Empty Sphere lvl 3 Level 3 Icons
Empty Sphere lvl 4 Level 4 Icons
Empty Sphere lvl 5 Level 5 Icons

Bonus Socket System

IMPORTANT: By inserting three types of seeds in the specified order (see table below), you have a chance to receive an additional random Socket bonus.

Items Socket (slot 1) Socket (slot 2) Socket (slot 3) Options Success rate
Swords, Axes, Maces, Bows, Crossbows, Scepters Fire Sphere Lightning Sphere Ice Sphere Attack power increase +50 30%
Swords, Axes, Maces, Bows, Crossbows, Scepters Lightning Sphere Ice Sphere Fire Sphere Skill attack increase +50 30%
Staffs, Sticks Fire Sphere Lightning Sphere Ice Sphere Attack/Wizardry increase +50 30%
Staffs, Sticks Lightning Sphere Ice Sphere Fire Sphere Skill attack increase +50 30%
Helms, Armors, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Shields Water Sphere Earth Sphere Wind Sphere Defense increase +100 30%
Helms, Armors, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Shields Earth Sphere Wind Sphere Water Sphere Maximum HP increase +500 30%

Socket Bonus Options

IMPORTANT: By including the following seed types in your Socket items, you can receive the additional bonus options listed below.

Items Necessary Seed Spheres in Item Options Success rate
Using all Seed Spheres Fire Sphere Water Sphere Ice Sphere Wind Sphere Lightning Sphere Double damage rate +3% 100%
Fire Sphere Water Sphere Ice Sphere Wind Sphere Earth Sphere Ignore opponent defense by 1% 100%

Socket System MuOnline: Tutorial from Game

First – get from Bosses reward “Item EXC with Socket Slots”

Next, go to Raklion on spot and kill the monsters for drop “Sphere”.

You need to have Ancient Item (from LOT Monsters drop or some bosses / Chaos Castle or Imperial Guardian Events) for create combine.

You need to have 380 lvl EXC Item (from Bosses or Events) for create combine.

You need to have Jewel of Harmony. You can create this jewel from Gemstone. Kill monsters on Kanturu Relics map for obtain Gemstones.

Next you can go to Aida to NPC Elpis (83,15) and click option “Refine Gemstone

Simply exchange the Gemstone for the Jewel of Harmony.

Now you need to have 1 Jewel of Creation and Chaos too (from drop monsters).

Go to NPC “Seed Master” for create a SEED.

Select “Seed Extraction

Put the all required items and click combine “Extraction“.

Reasult: Seed (Water)

Now we can create Seed Sphere.

Use “Seed Sphere Assembly“.

Put now required items.

Click “Assembly

And we have “Seed Sphere (Water)

Now, go to NPC named “Seed Researcher” and click option “Seed sphere aplication

Put the required items. You must choose the slot number of socket application.

Now just click “Application

Nicely. We have first socket option applicated to the item!

Remember! If you need destroy the socket option from your item, you can use NPC “Seed researcher” option “Seed sphere destruction” That’s all!