Ancients with 3 EXC Options
- Leather Helm
- Leather Armor
- Leather Pants
- Leather Gloves
- Leather Boots
- Morning Star
- Ring of ice
- Bronze Armor
- Bronze Pants
- Bronze Boots
- Plate Shield
- Scale Pants
- Scale Armor
- Scale Helm
- Pendant of Lighting
- Brass Armor
- Brass Pants
- Brass Gloves
- Brass Boots
- Pendant of Fire
- Plate Boots
- Plate Gloves
- Plate Armor
- Ring of wind
- Ring of poison
- Dragon Helm
- Dragon Gloves
- Dragon Boots
- Lighting Sword
- Pad Helm
- Pad Armor
- Pad Pants
- Pad Gloves
- Skull Staff
- Pendant of Ice
- Ring of magic
- Bone Boots
- Bone Pants
- Bone Armor
- Pendant of wind
- Skull Shield
- Sphinx Boots
- Sphinx Gloves
- Sphinx Pants
- Sphinx Armor
- Sphinx Mask
- Legendary Helm
- Legendary Armor
- Legendary Gloves
- Ring of fire
- Vine Helm
- Vine Pants
- Vine Gloves
- Vine Boots
- Rapier
- Ring of earth
- Silk Helm
- Silk Armor
- Silk Pants
- Silk Gloves
- Golden Crossbow
- Wind Helm
- Wind Armor
- Wind Pants
- Wind Gloves
- Wind Boots
- Spirit Gloves
- Spirit Pants
- Spirit Armor
- Guardian Boots
- Guardian Gloves
- Guardian Armor
- Silver Bow
- Pendant of ability
- Storm Crow Boots
- Storm Crow Pants
- Storm Crow Armor
- Pendant of water
- Ring of earth
- Dragon Helm
- Dragon Armor
- Dragon Pants
- Legendary Helm
- Legendary Armor
- Legendary Pants
- Legendary Boots
- Guardian Boots
- Guardian Pants
- Guardian Armor
- Guardian Helm
- Ring of fire
- Storm Crow Gloves
- Storm Crow Pants
- Storm Crow Armor
- Ring of poison
- Adamantine Pants
- Adamantine Armor
- Adamantine Mask
- Pendant of Ice
- Adamantine Pants
- Adamantine Gloves
- Adamantine Boots
- Ring of magic
- Red Wing Helm
- Red Wing Pants
- Red Wing Gloves
- Red Wing Boots
- Red Wing Gloves
- Red Wing Armor
- Red Wing Helm
- Leather Helm
- Leather Pants
- Leather Boots
- Small Shield
- Bronze Helm
- Bronze Pants
- Bronze Gloves
- Scale Helm
- Scale Armor
- Scale Pants
- Scale Gloves
- Scale Boots
- Brass Helm
- Brass Pants
- Plate Helm
- Plate Armor
- Plate Pants
- Pad Helm
- Pad Pants
- Pad Boots
- Bone Helm
- Bone Armor
- Bone Gloves
- Bone Boots
- Sphinx Boots
- Sphinx Pants
- Sphinx Armor
- Vine Armor
- Vine Helm
- Vine Pants
- Vine Boots
- Silk Boots
- Silk Gloves
- Silk Pants
- Wind Pants
- Wind Boots
- Spirit Helm
- Spirit Pants
- Spirit Boots
- Sacred Helm
- Sacred Armor
- Sacred Pants
- Sacred Glove
- Sacred Armor
- Sacred Pants
- Sacred Boots
- Sacred Glove