Tickets (DS & BC)

Information about the success rates for creating invitations to Devil Square and Blood Castle.

(DS) Devil Square ticket rates:
– Devil’s Invitation +1: 80% (100k Zen required)
– Devil’s Invitation +2: 75% (200k Zen required)
– Devil’s Invitation +3: 70% (400k Zen required)
– Devil’s Invitation +4: 65% (700k Zen required)
– Devil’s Invitation +5: 60% (1.1kk Zen required)
– Devil’s Invitation +6: 55% (1.6kk Zen required)
– Devil’s Invitation +7: 50% (2kk Zen required)

(BC) Blood Castle ticket rates:
– Invisibility Cloak +1: 85% (50k Zen required)
– Invisibility Cloak +2: 80% (80k Zen required)
– Invisibility Cloak +3: 75% (150k Zen required)
– Invisibility Cloak +4: 70% (250k Zen required)
– Invisibility Cloak +5: 65% (400k Zen required)
– Invisibility Cloak +6: 60% (600k Zen required)
– Invisibility Cloak +7: 55% (850k Zen required)
– Invisibility Cloak +8: 50% (1.05kk Zen required)

Creating Ticket’s to Devil Square and Blood Castle

Devil Square

To enter the Devil Square event, you must have the appropriate invitation. It is created using the Chaos Goblin Machine in Noria (180.102).

To create the invitation, you need to collect items dropped by monsters: Devil’s Key, Devil’s Eye and one Jewel of Chaos.

Devil’s Square Level BK / ELF / SM Magic Gladiator/Dark Lord/Rage Fighter
1 15 ~ 130 10 ~ 110
2 131 ~ 180 111 ~ 160
3 181 ~ 230 161 ~ 210
4 231 ~ 280 211 ~ 260
5 281 ~ 330 261 ~ 310
6 331 ~ 400 311 ~ 400
7 Master Level 0~200 Master Level 0~200

Blood Castle

To enter the Blood Castle event, you must have the appropriate invitation. It is created using the Chaos Goblin Machine in Noria (180.102).

To create the invitation, you need to collect items dropped by monsters: Blood Bone, Scroll of Archangel and one Jewel of Chaos.

Blood Castle Level Magic Gladiator/Dark Lord/Rage Fighter Other Characters
1 15-60 lvl 15-80 lvl
2 61-110 lvl 81-130 lvl
3 111-160 lvl 131-180 lvl
4 161-210 lvl 181-230 lvl
5 211-260 lvl 231-280 lvl
6 261-310 lvl 281-330 lvl
7 311-400 lvl 331-400 lvl
8 400 lvl (master) 400 lvl (master)