You can create 4 types of Horn of Fenrir: Red, Blue, Black, and Gold. Below is a detailed list of required items and instructions for crafting.
The first three types of Horn of Fenrir can be crafted through a MIX with the Chaos Goblin. However, the Gold Horn of Fenrir can be exchanged with the Chaos Goblin for the other three Horns of Fenrir.
Required items from monsters drop (Crywolf)
- Splinter of Armor
- Bless of Guardian
- Claw of Beast

IMPORTANT: Items drops on Crywolf map only.
Stage 1: Creating Fragment of Horn
Required items
- Splinter of Armor (20/20 pieces)
- Bless of Guardian (20/20 pieces)
- 1x Jewel of Chaos
- 0 Zen (no Zen required)
- Success combination = 70% success rate (Fragment of Horn)
- You need to create 5x Fragment of Horn to go next stage.
- Splinter of Armor and Bless of Guardian drops only in Crywolf Map
- Failed combination = items burned

Stage 2: Creating Broken Horn
Required items
- Claw of Beast (10/10 pieces)
- Bless of Guardian (20/20 pieces)
- 1x Jewel of Chaos
- 0 Zen (no Zen required)
- Success combination = 50% success rate (Broken Horn)
- Claw of Best drop only in Crywolf map
- Failed combination = items burned

Stage 3: Creating Horn of Fenrir – Red
Required items
- 1x Broken Horn
- 1x Jewel of Chaos
- 3x Jewel of Life
- 10,000,000 ZEN
- Success combination = 30% success rate (Red Horn of Fenrir)
- Failed combination = items burned
- You can use Talisman of Luck +10% to up % succes rate to 40 (buy from XSHOP)

How to upgrade Horn of Fenrir?
To upgrade the Horn of Fenrir, you will need Defense and Weapon items.
Defense item = Helms, Armors, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shields
Weapon item = Swords, Staffs, Scepters, Sticks, Bows
Horn of Fenrir (Blue) + Protect
Required items
- Horn of Fenrir (Red)
- 1x Jewel of Chaos
- 5x Jewel of Life
- 1x (Defense item) Exc. item +9+add (minimum)
- 10,000,000 ZEN

- Success combination = 80% success rate (Blue Horn of Fenrir)
- Failed combination = items burned

Horn of Fenrir (Black) + Destroy
Required items
- Horn of Fenrir (Red)
- 1x Jewel of Chaos
- 5x Jewel of Life
- 1x (Weapon item) Exc. item +9+add (minimum)
- 10,000,000 ZEN

- Success combination = 80% success rate (Black Horn of Fenrir)
- Failed combination = items burned

Horn of Fenrir (Gold) + Illusion
To create the GOLDEN FENRIR, you must already have three other Fenrirs; they can be Red, Blue, or Black. It doesn’t matter which ones. You can use 3x Horn of Fenrir Red or 3x Horn of Fenrir Blue. The quantity is what matters.
Required items
- 3x Horn of Fenrir (Red or Blue or Black)
- 500,000,000 ZEN

- Success combination = 100% success rate (GOLD Horn of Fenrir)

- + Illusion
- HP: 255
- Plasma storm (Mana:50)
- 200 HP increase
- 200 Mana increase
- 33 attack power increase
- 16 wizardry inrease