Dinorant Pet
The Horn of Dinorant Combination:

- Noria (Chaos Goblin 180, 102)
- Required items:
- 10x Horn of Uniria,
- 1x Jewel of Chaos,
- 500,000 Zen

Success combination: 70% success rate
- Increases damage by 15%
- Absorbs 10% of damage
- Gives the Raid skill to the Dark Knigh
- Life 255 HP
- Allows you to fly ( Icarus )
Demon Pet
The Demon Combination:

- Noria (Chaos Goblin 180, 102)
- Required items:
- 10x Imp,
- 1x Jewel of Chaos,
- 500,000 Zen

Success combination: 70% success rate
- Increases damage by 20%
- Increases attack speed by 10
- Life: 255 HP
Spirit of Guardian Pet
The Spirit of Guardian Combination:

- Noria (Chaos Goblin 180, 102)
- Required items:
- 10x Guardian Angel,
- 1x Jewel of Chaos,
- 500,000 Zen

Success combination: 70% success rate
- Reduces damage from monsters by 30%
- Increases maximum life by 50
- Life: 255 HP
Dark Raven Pet
The Dark Raven Combination:

- Lorencia (Trainer 122, 110 – Resurrect spirit option)
- Required items:
- Spirit of Dark Raven (drops only Crywolf)
- 1x Jewel of Chaos
- 2x Jewel of Bless
- 2x Jewel of Soul
- 1x Jewel of Creation
- 1,000,000 Zen

Success combination: 60% success rate
- Only for Dark Lord’s
- Can be created by all players
Dark Horse Pet
The Dark Horse Combination:

- Lorencia (Trainer 122, 110 – Resurrect spirit option)
- Required items:
- Spirit of Dark Raven (drops only Crywolf)
- 1x Jewel of Chaos
- 5x Jewel of Bless
- 5x Jewel of Soul
- 1x Jewel of Creation
- 1,000,000 Zen

Success combination: 60% success rate
- Increase defensive skill +157
- Absorb 15% additional damage
- Increase 2 possible attack distance
Restore Life Pets for Dark Lords
- Lorencia (Trainer 122, 110 – Restore life durabillity option)
- Only for DL
- Pet must be equipped

Pet Unicorn

- Auto collect Zen aroud you
- Increases Zen by 50%
- Increase defensive skill +50
Pet Panda

- Auto collect Zen aroud you
- Increases Exp Gain rate by 25%
- Increase defensive skill +50
Pet Skeleton

- Auto collect Zen aroud you
- Increases damage by 10%
- Increases attack speed by 10
- Increases Exp Gain rate by 15%
- Increases Exp Gain rate by 15% when equipped along with a Skeleton Transformation Ring
Imp Pet

- Increases attack power and wizardry by 10%
Guardian Angel Pet

- Absorb 20% of damage
- Increases maximum HP by +50
Dinorant Pet

- Increases damage by 15%
- Absorb 10% of damage
Ring of Wizard

- Inrease wizardry damage +10%
- Increase damage +10%
- Increase attacking (wizardry) speed +10
Skeleton Ring

- Increases damage by +30
- Increases Exp Gain rate by 15% when equipped along with a Skeleton Pet
Panda Ring

- Increases zen drop by 50%
- Increases damage by +30
- Wear ir with Pet Panda or Pet Sekeleton and get extra 15% regular experience
Horn of Fenrir RED, BLUE, BLACK, GOLD

- Increases Exp Gain rate by 5%
- You can use bless to repair, chance is 50%