Noria Drop MuOnline – FORT MU
- Short Bow
- Crossbow
- Small Shield
- Pad Helm
- Pad Gloves
- Leather Gloves
- Vine Gloves
- Pad Boots
- Leather Boots
- Vine Boots
- Orb of Summoning
- Apple
- Scroll of Fire Ball
Chain Scorpion
- Mace
- Short Bow
- Crossbow
- Skull Staff
- Small Shield
- Buckler
- Pad Helm
- Leather Helm
- Vine Helm
- Pad Gloves
- Leather Gloves
- Vine Gloves
- Pad Boots
- Leather Boots
- Vine Boots
- Orb of Summoning
- Apple
- Scroll of Fire Ball
- Katana
- Double Axe
- Tomahawk
- Morning Star
- Dragon Lance
- Double Poleaxe
- Halberd
- Elven Bow
- Angelic Staff
- Skull Shield
- Large Round Shield
- Bronze Helm
- Bone Helm
- Silk Helm
- Bronze Armor
- Bronze Pants
- Silk Pants
- Bronze Gloves
- Bone Gloves
- Silk Gloves
- Bone Boots
- Silk Boots
- Orb of Greater Fortitude
- Orb of Greater Damage
- Ring of Poison
- Pendant of Fire
- Ale
- Scroll of Lighting
- Scroll of Teleport
Elite Goblin
- Mace
- Bow
- Crossbow
- Skull Staff
- Horn Shield
- Buckler
- Pad Helm
- Leather Helm
- Vine Helm
- Pad Armor
- Leather Armor
- Vine Armor
- Pad Pants
- Leather Pants
- Vine Pants
- Leather Gloves
- Vine Gloves
- Pad Boots
- Leather Boots
- Vine Boots
- Healing Orb
- Small Healing Potion
- Small Mana Potion
- Antidote
- Scroll of Fire Ball
- Scroll of Power Wave
Beetle Monster
- Sword of Assassin
- Mace
- Bow
- Golden Crossbow
- Skull Staff
- Horn Shield
- Kite Shield
- Buckler
- Leather Helm
- Vine Helm
- Pad Armor
- Leather Armor
- Vine Armor
- Pad Pants
- Leather Pants
- Vine Pants
- Bronze Boots
- Lilium Boots
- Healing Orb
- Small Healing Potion
- Small Mana Potion
- Antidote
- Scroll of Power Wave
- Sword of Assassin
- Double Axe
- Morning Star
- Dragon Lance
- Double Poleaxe
- Golden Crossbow
- Horn Shield
- Kite Shield
- Skull Shield
- Pad Armor
- Leather Armor
- Vine Armor
- Bronze Pants
- Bronze Gloves
- Bone Gloves
- Silk Gloves
- Bronze Boots
- Silk Boots
- Lilium Boots
- Orb of Greater Fortitude
- Pendant of Fire
- Small Healing Potion
- Small Mana Potion
- Antidote
- Ale
- Scroll of Lighting
- Scroll of Power Wave
Forest Monster
- Katana
- Sword of Assassin
- Double Axe
- Morning Star
- Dragon Lance
- Double Poleaxe
- Elven Bow
- Golden Crossbow
- Kite Shield
- Skull Shield
- Bronze Helm
- Silk Helm
- Bronze Pants
- Bronze Gloves
- Bone Gloves
- Silk Gloves
- Bronze Boots
- Bone Boots
- Silk Boots
- Lilium Boots
- Orb of Greater Fortitude
- Ring of Poison
- Pendant of Fire
- Ale
- Scroll of Lighting
- Scroll of Teleport
- Katana
- Sword of Assassin
- Double Axe
- Tomahawk
- Morning Star
- Dragon Lance
- Double Poleaxe
- Elven Bow
- Golden Crossbow
- Angelic Staff
- Kite Shield
- Skull Shield
- Large Round Shield
- Bronze Helm
- Bone Helm
- Silk Helm
- Bronze Armor
- Bronze Pants
- Silk Pants
- Bronze Gloves
- Bone Gloves
- Silk Gloves
- Bronze Boots
- Bone Boots
- Silk Boots
- Orb of Greater Fortitude
- Orb of Greater Damage
- Ring of Poison
- Pendant of Fire
- Ale
- Scroll of Lighting
- Scroll of Teleport
Stone Golem
- Katana
- Gladius
- Double Axe
- Tomahawk
- Dragon Lance
- Halberd
- Elven Bow
- Arquebus
- Angelic Staff
- Skull Shield
- Large Round Shield
- Bronze Helm
- Bone Helm
- Silk Helm
- Bronze Armor
- Silk Armor
- Bronze Pants
- Bone Pants
- Silk Pants
- Bone Gloves
- Silk Gloves
- Bone Boots
- Silk Boots
- Orb of Greater Damage
- Orb of Impale
- Ring of Ice
- Ring of Poison
- Ale
- Scroll of Teleport
- Blade
- Sword of Salamander
- Nikea Axe
- Great Hammer
- Berdysh
- Light Crossbow
- Dragon Slayer Shield
- Sphinx Mask
- Brass Helm
- Sphinx Armor
- Brass Armor
- Wind Armor
- Violent Wind Armor
- Sphinx Pants
- Brass Pants
- Brass Gloves
- Spirit Gloves
- Brass Boots
- Ring of Earth
- Pendant of Ice
- Scroll of Flame
- Drain Life Parchment