Class Quests

Below, you will find detailed information on completing quests for the 2nd and 3rd character class, as well as the Marlon Quest at level 280, which grants you one additional point to allocate compared to before.

2nd Class Quest:

NPC Location: Sebina the Priest (183,31) DEVIAS MAP
Level requirements: 150 Level
Coast: 1,000,000 ZEN

First step: Find Scroll of Emperor

Scroll of Emperor

This item can be found on maps: LostTower, Atlans and Aida

Second step: Find item for your class:

 Broken Sword – Dark Knight
Tear of Elf – Elf
Soul Shard of Wizard – Dark Wizard
Abyssal Eye – Summoner

Level requirements: 150 Level
Coast: 2,000,000 ZEN

Broken Sword
Tear of Elf
Soul Shard of Wizard
Abyssal Eye

This items can be found on maps: Losttower 5-7, Atlans 2-4, Aida

Marlon Quest: 220 level

To start this quest, you must be exactly level 220.

NPC Location: Marlon (184,29) DEVIAS MAP
Level requirements: 220 Level
Coast: 3,000,000 ZEN

First step: Find Ring of Honor

Ring of Honor

This item can be found on maps: Aida, Tarkan, Icarus, Atlans

Second Step: Find Dark Stone (Only for BK Class)

Dark Stone

This item can be found on maps: Aida, Tarkan, Icarus, Atlans

3rd Class Quest

To complete the quest for your character’s 3rd class, you need to go to the NPC named Apostle Devin, located on the Crywolf map at coordinates (228, 47).

NPC Location: Apostle Devin (228,47) CRYWOLF MAP
Level requirements: 400 Level
Coast: 5,000,000 ZEN

First step: Find ITEMS
– Death-beam Knight Flame (Monster Beam Knight on Tarkan 2 Map)
– Hell-Miner Horn (Monster Hell Mine on Aida 3 Map )
– Dark Phoenix Feather (Monster Phoenix of Darkness on Icarus Map

Second step: Kill Monsters
– 20x Balram
– 20x Death Spirit
– 20x Soram

NPC Location: Apostle Devin (228,47) CRYWOLF MAP
Level requirements: 400 Level
Coast: 7,000,000 ZEN

After activation 2nd quest part, go to Crywolf 2, NPC Warewolf Quarel (62, 237) and go to Balgass Barrack map for killing monsters.

After killing, back to Crywolf NPC Apostle Devin (228,47) for activation 3rd step.

Third step: Kill Dark Elf (Trainee Soldier) on Refuge Map

NPC Location: Balgass Barrack (120,168)
NPC Name: Gatekeeper
Level requirements: 400 Level
Coast: 10,000,000 ZEN

For finish 3rd class quest go to Crywolf NPC Apostle Devin (228,47).