In the game, you can create 7 different types of level 3 wings. The entire process consists of two stages, which are described in detail below.
IMPORTANT! Good option add for mix all items is add +16.
Required items
- Condor Flame (drop only in Balgass Barracks)
- Condor Feather (you must mix it in Chaos Goblin – more info below)
- 2nd level Wings +9+add (minimum)

Condor Flame
The white feather named CONDOR FLAME can only be obtained by defeating monsters on the Balgass Barracks map. Therefore, it will be necessary to first start or complete the quest to change the character class to level 3
The entrance to Balgass Barracks is located in Crywolf at coordinates (62, 237) NPC Warewolf Quarter.

Condor Feather Combination
To craft the Condor Feather—a feather essential for creating 3rd level wings, just like the Condor Flame—you must have several items before visiting the Chaos Goblin.
Condor Feather – Required items
- 1x 2nd Level Wings +9+add (minimum)
- Ancients items +7+add (minimum) (higher = better)
- 1x Jewel of Chaos
- 1x Jewel of Creation
- 1x Jewel of Bless Bundle (10x bless boundle – NOT STACKED!)
- 1x Jewel of Soul Bundle (10x soul bundle – NOT STACKED!)
- 12,000,000 ZEN
Success combination = 1-60% success rate (Condor Feather)
Failed combination = items burned

How to create 3rd Level Wings?
If you already have the key items for creating level 3 wings, such as the Condor Flame and Condor Feather, you can start considering an attempt to craft the level 3 wings. You’ll still need a few additional items, and then you can begin.
3rd Level Wings – Required items
- 1x Condor Feather
- 1x Condor Flame
- 1x Jewel of Chaos
- 1x Jewel of Bless Bundle (10x bless boundle – NOT STACKED!)
- 1x Jewel of Soul Bundle (10x soul bundle – NOT STACKED!)
- 1x Excellent Equipment item +9+add (minimum) (The best is EXC BONE BLADE +9+16)
- 8,000,000 ZEN
- Optional: you can use Talisman of Luck +10% from XSHOP
Max Success rate of Mix is: 40%

All 3rd Level Wings
Wing of Storm – Blade Master

- Can be equipped by the Blade Master
- Armor: 60
- Increases damage by 39%
- Absorbs 39% of incoming DMG
- Durability: [220/220]
- Minimum level required: 400
- Size: 4 x 3
- Luck Option:
- Luck (success rate of Jewel of Soul +25%%)
- Luck (critical damage rate +5%%)
- Possible Option:
- Increase chance of Fully Recovering Mana by +5%
- Increases HP Full Recovery Rate by 5%
- Increase chance to return incoming damage by +5%
- Increases Enemy DEF Ignore Rate by +5%
Wing of Illusion – High Elf

- Can be equipped by High Elf
- Armor: 45
- Increases damage by 39%
- Absorbs 39% of incoming DMG
- Durability: [220/220]
- Minimum level required: 400
- Size: 4 x 3
- Luck Option:
- Luck (success rate of Jewel of Soul +25%%)
- Luck (critical damage rate +5%%)
- Possible Option:
- Increase chance of Fully Recovering Mana by +5%
- Increases HP Full Recovery Rate by 5%
- Increase chance to return incoming damage by +5%
- Increases Enemy DEF Ignore Rate by +5%
Wing of Eternal – Grand Master

- Can be equipped by Grand Master
- Armor: 45
- Increases damage by 39%
- Absorbs 39% of incoming DMG
- Durability: [220/220]
- Minimum level required: 400
- Size: 4 x 3
- Luck Option:
- Luck (success rate of Jewel of Soul +25%%)
- Luck (critical damage rate +5%%)
- Possible Option:
- Increase chance of Fully Recovering Mana by +5%
- Increases HP Full Recovery Rate by 5%
- Increase chance to return incoming damage by +5%
- Increases Enemy DEF Ignore Rate by +5%
Wing of Ruin – Duel Master

- Can be equipped by Duel Master
- Armor: 55
- Increases damage by 39%
- Absorbs 39% of incoming DMG
- Durability: [220/220]
- Minimum level required: 400
- Size: 4 x 3
- Luck Option:
- Luck (success rate of Jewel of Soul +25%%)
- Luck (critical damage rate +5%%)
- Possible Option:
- Increase chance of Fully Recovering Mana by +5%
- Increases HP Full Recovery Rate by 5%
- Increase chance to return incoming damage by +5%
- Increases Enemy DEF Ignore Rate by +5%
Cape of Emperor – Lord Emperor

- Can be equipped by Lord Emperor
- Armor: 45
- Increases damage by 39%
- Absorbs 24% of incoming DMG
- Durability: [220/220]
- Minimum level required: 400
- Size: 2 x 3
- Luck Option:
- Luck (success rate of Jewel of Soul +25%%)
- Luck (critical damage rate +5%%)
- Possible Option:
- Increase chance of Fully Recovering Mana by +5%
- Increases HP Full Recovery Rate by 5%
- Increase chance to return incoming damage by +5%
- Increases Enemy DEF Ignore Rate by +5%
Cape of Overrule – Fist Master

- Can be equipped by Fist Master
- Armor: 45
- Increases damage by 39%
- Absorbs 39% of incoming DMG
- Durability: [220/220]
- Minimum level required: 400
- Luck Option:
- Luck (success rate of Jewel of Soul +25%%)
Luck (critical damage rate +5%%) - Increase chance of Fully Recovering Mana by +5%
- Increases HP Full Recovery Rate by 5%
- Increase chance to return incoming damage by +5%
- Increases Enemy DEF Ignore Rate by +5%
Wing of Dimension – Dimension Master

- Can be equipped by Dimension Master
- Armor: 45
- Increases damage by 39%
- Absorbs 39% of incoming DMG
- Durability: [220/220]
- Minimum level required: 400
- Size: 4 x 3
- Luck Option:
- Luck (success rate of Jewel of Soul +25%%)
- Luck (critical damage rate +5%%)
- Possible Option:
- Increase chance of Fully Recovering Mana by +5%
- Increases HP Full Recovery Rate by 5%
- Increase chance to return incoming damage by +5%
- Increases Enemy DEF Ignore Rate by +5%