Quests (Achievements)

On our server, we have Quests (Achievements) available, meaning you can gain additional benefits through gameplay. We offer two types of quests. The first option is the standard “Primary Quest,” which you can access from the panel that opens by clicking the >> button (the arrow on the right side of the screen, in the middle). Complete tasks to earn extra EXP, ZEN, and stat points to distribute. These tasks will be continuously expanded.

The second option is the “Secondary Quest.” Kill golden monsters to earn wCoinC. With these, you can acquire valuable items from the XSHOP. You can also use them for trading in the marketplace on our website.

wCoinC – they can only be obtained through in-game activities.

IMPORTANT! The Secondary Quest is active only from the moment you interact with the NPC until you log out of the game. This means that if you restart the game, you need to talk to the NPC again to activate the quest.

On the maps: Lorencia, Noria, Devias, Atlans, and Losttower, there are green goblins that allow you to start the quest.