Tag Archives: EventItemBag Advanced

EventItemBag Advanced MuOnline – Config Guide Step by Step (Louis Emulator Files)

In this article, we will introduce you to the functionality of the Event Item Bag in the Advanced version for MuOnline files by Louis Emulator. For some, the official documentation may not be sufficient to understand how it works. Step by step, we will go over all the features so that you, dear MU server admin, can configure it without the slightest difficulty.

Documentation from Louis – EventItemBag Advanced

Section 3: Item drop count.
Index: Item drop identification number.

DropRate: Item drop rate, x/10000.

DropInventory: (0) Drop Underground, (1) Add item directly in the inventory.

Section 4: Item drop main configuration.
Index: Item drop identification number.

Section: Item drop related file section.

SectionRate: Proportional rate to use the chosen section.

MoneyAmount: Amount of zen dropped.

OptionValue: Option value.
0 = None.
1 = Fireworks.
2 = Consider party members when checking class requeriment.
4 = Drop all items from section.
8 = Set item drop.

DW: (0) drop for Dark Wizard disabled, (1) enabled.

DK: (0) drop for Dark Knight disabled, (1) enabled.

FE: (0) drop for Fairy Elf disabled, (1) enabled.

MG: (0) drop for Magic Gladiator disabled, (1) enabled.

DL: (0) drop for Dark Lord disabled, (1) enabled.

SU: (0) drop for Summoner disabled, (1) enabled.

RF: (0) drop for Rage Fighter disabled, (1) enabled.

Section X: Item configuration.
Index: Item index.

Level: Item fixed level.

Grade: Item fixed excellent option or durability.

Option0: Option index from file “ItemOptionRate.txt” section 0, -1 if none.

Option1: Option index from file “ItemOptionRate.txt” section 1, -1 if none.

Option2: Option index from file “ItemOptionRate.txt” section 2, -1 if none.

Option3: Option index from file “ItemOptionRate.txt” section 3, -1 if none.

Option4: Option index from file “ItemOptionRate.txt” section 4, -1 if none.

Option5: Option index from file “ItemOptionRate.txt” section 5, -1 if none.

Option6: Option index from file “ItemOptionRate.txt” section 6, -1 if none.

Duration: Item duration time, in seconds, (0) for permanent item.

The proportional rate is the relative value of the SectionRate compared with the sum of all SectionRate lines with the same index.
Index Section SectionRate
0 X 7000
0 X 3000
1 X 66
1 X 66
2 X 20
2 X 20
2 X 20

1: 7000+3000 = 1000
2: 66+66 = 132
3: 20+20+20 = 60

Getting the individual rate of each SectionRate:

Formula: SectionRate / Total Rate x 100

1: 7000 / 10000 = 0,7 x 100 = 70%
2: 66 / 132 = 0,5 x 100 = 50%
3: 20 / 60 = 0,33 x 100 = 33%

How it works? Step by step.

First, you need to convert the item’s index and type to the advanced number format. This is done by multiplying the category by 512 and then adding the Type value.

Example: Black Dragon Gloves

Index category: 10 (Gloves)
Type: 16 (Black Dragon Gloves)

10*512+16=5136 (Black Dragon Gloves Advenced Item ID)

Now you know how to obtain the ID of each item in the Advanced system. Here, we don’t use INDEX or TYPE directly. Instead, we perform a mathematical operation to get the ADVANCED code. Always multiply the category INDEX by 512, then add the TYPE value to this number.

Simply Event Item Bag Advenced for Gold Medal (Optional)

//index DropRate DropIventory
0 10000 0

//index section sectionRate MoneyAmount OpitionValue DW DK FE MG DL SU RF Comment
0 5 10000 50000 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 //All classes

//Index Level Grade Option0 Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Option5 Option6 Duration Coment

3593 * 0 41 11 13 20 0 0 0 0 // Plate Helm
4105 * 0 41 11 13 20 0 0 0 0 // Plate Armor
4617 * 0 41 11 13 20 0 0 0 0 // Plate Pants
5129 * 0 41 11 13 20 0 0 0 0 // Plate Gloves
5641 * 0 41 11 13 20 0 0 0 0 // Plate Boots


Configuration of a Basic EventItemBagAdvanced

3 – Starting the section where the percentage chance of obtaining items from a specific item list is set

index 0 – First items section

DropRate – up to 10,000 drop limit

DropInventory – The item will appear directly in the Inventory if you set it to 1.

You can now add another list with Index number 1. This way, later on, you’ll be able to configure an additional item drop list for which the set DropRate will apply specifically to this index (1).

No worries, if you don’t understand it yet—that’s okay. Keep reading, and you’ll get it soon.

To keep everything clear, we’ll stick with a single index, “0,” and move on.

4 – Here we set the % chance for an item to drop from the entire list assigned to index 0 (described earlier). Additionally, we can select the amount of ZEN to drop in case an item does not drop (because we didn’t add it) and specify for which character class it should drop.

index 0 – This is the same index that we set at the beginning. Now, the 100% drop rate, which is 10000, can be split across multiple item lists or left as it is now, which is 10000.

section 5 – Designation of the item list assigned a 100% drop chance (10000). This list is located further down in the file and contains data on the items that can drop.

sectionRate – 100% chancee to drop from this list

MoneyAmount – If there is no item, the specified amount of ZEN will drop instead.

OptionValue –

DW, DK, FE, MG, DL, SU, RF – If you set 0 for a given character class, items from this list will not drop for that class. If you set 1, they will drop according to the specified drop chance percentage.

//Comment – A comment for you to know what is set where. Always add // before comments to avoid issues with the GameServer. If you want to disable a previously set item without deleting it, you can also add // at the beginning.

5 – Section ID number 5, for which we just set a 10000 chance, meaning a 100% success rate.

Level – Some items in the standard item list (item.txt) have the same ID but differ by level. For example, the Box of Kundun +1 is in category 14, Type 11 (which is the Box of Luck), and most importantly, it starts from level +8 — therefore, 14 11 8.

If we want to calculate the ADVANCED ITEM ID for the Box of Kundun +1, we can’t do it directly, as it’s under the name Box of Luck, which has CATEGORY ID 14 and ITEM TYPE 11. Thus, 14×512+11=717914 \times 512 + 11 = 717914×512+11=7179 (Box of Luck). Now, to convert it to the Box of Kundun, we need to set it to level 8.

Here’s how the levels correspond:

  • BOK+1 = level 8
  • BOK+2 = level 9
  • BOK+3 = level 10
  • BOK+4 = level 11
  • BOK+5 = level 12

Grade – This is DURABILITY Option. Some items, like the Lucky Coin, accumulate using Durability. So, to drop a Lucky Coin with a collected amount of 255 pieces, we need to set the Grade to 255.

Option0 / Option6 – This is settings for Items (Level, Luck, Skill, Add, Exc, Ancient, Socket etc.)


Duration – You can set the time in seconds after which a given item will disappear. Setting it to 0 means the item will not disappear at all.

Few Examples

In this new file, I set it up so that we have only one section providing a guaranteed drop of an item. Therefore, at the beginning of the file (3) for section 0, I added a value of 10000, meaning a 100% chance. Later in the file, I split this 100% chance across different lists, which helps maintain a variety of possible rewards that can drop.

At the bottom of the file (not visible in the image above), I have item lists from 6 to 10. The chance of one item dropping from all of these combined is 100%—but it’s divided among these sections (6 to 10). The highest probability is 5000, which means a 50% chance for an item from list 6, and the lowest is 500, or a 5% chance for an item from list 10.

It’s important that the total value of all “sectionRate” entries adds up to 10000, as this matches our configured DropRate.

  • Section 6 = 50% chance / 5000
  • Section 7 = 30% chance / 3000
  • Section 8 = 10% chance / 1000
  • Section 9 = 5% chance / 500
  • Section 10 = 5% chance / 500

Total: 100% chance for an item from one of these lists.

Now you know how to create an AdvancedItemBag in LouisEmulator files. Good luck.