Land_of_Trials map muonline

Land of Trials Map MuOnline

Access to the Land of Trials is restricted, and the conventional move command or ‘M’ key (140, 101) is ineffective. Entry is exclusively permitted through a gatekeeper NPC, with only the castle lord and their alliances granted free access.

Should one meet their demise within the area, they will be summoned to the entrance of the Valley of Loren, ensuring a return to the outskirts of the Land of Trials.

Level LimitAuthority will be given to a guild which won from the Castle Siege and the area for hunting might be restricted for normal users by the guild.
FeaturesEntry can be through only a gatekeeper NPC and the guild can decided who can enter the are.
MonstersAxe Warrior, Lizard Warrior, Poison Golem, Queen Bee, Fire Golem, Erohim