Lorencia Map MuOnline

Lorencia sprawls across the heart of MU, offering a vast expanse for the humble beginnings of Dark Knights and Dark Sorcerers embarking on their journeys. The region experiences frequent and substantial rainfall, fostering the growth of towering trees and lush grasses. This picturesque landscape serves as an ideal hunting ground for adventurers in the low-level range (1-20).

Transitioning to neighboring locations is seamless, with pathways leading to Noria (215,245), Devias (8,40), Dungeon (122,230), and the enchanting Valley of Loren (232,12).

Level LimitDark Knights and Dark Wizards were born in this place. If a fairy elf wants to go to Lorencia, she needs to be over level 10.
FeaturesThis is the place that Dark Knights and Dark Wizards start an adventure.
MonstersSpider, Budge Dragon, Lich, Bull Fighter, Giant, Hound, Elite Bull Fighter, Skeleton Warrior.