Group 7 Item 5 = Leather Helm
Example: /make 7 5
/make <Group> <item> <level> <skill> <luck> <option> <exe> <set> <socket>
- 7 5 //Helm
- 8 5 //Armor
- 9 5 //Pants
- 10 5 //Gloves
- 11 5 //Boots
- 7 0 //Helm
- 8 0 //Armor
- 9 0 //Pants
- 10 0 //Gloves
- 11 0 //Boots
- 7 6 //Helm
- 8 6 //Armor
- 9 6 //Pants
- 10 6 //Gloves
- 11 6 //Boots
- 7 8 //Helm
- 8 8 //Armor
- 9 8 //Pants
- 10 8 //Gloves
- 11 8 //Boots
- 7 9 //Helm
- 8 9 //Armor
- 9 9 //Pants
- 10 9 //Gloves
- 11 9 //Boots
- 7 34 //Helm
- 8 34 //Armor
- 9 34 //Pants
- 10 34 //Gloves
- 11 34 //Boots
Black Dragon:
- 7 16 //Helm
- 8 16 //Armor
- 9 16 //Pants
- 10 16 //Gloves
- 11 16 //Boots
Dark Phoenix:
- 7 17 //Helm
- 8 17 //Armor
- 9 17 //Pants
- 10 17 //Gloves
- 11 17 //Boots
Great Dragon:
- 7 21 //Helm
- 8 21 //Armor
- 9 21 //Pants
- 10 21 //Gloves
- 11 21 //Boots
Dragon Knight:
- 7 29 //Helm
- 8 29 //Armor
- 9 21 //Pants
- 10 29 //Gloves
- 11 29 //Boots
- 0 0 //Short Sword
- 0 1 //Kris
- 0 2 //Rapier
- 0 4 //Sword Of Assassin
- 0 3 //Katana
- 0 6 //Gladius
- 0 7 //Flachion
- 0 8 //Serpant Sword
- 0 9 //Sword of Salamander
- 0 5 //Blade
- 0 10 //Light Saber
- 0 11 //Legendary Sword
- 0 13 //Double Blade
- 0 15 //Giant Sword
- 0 12 //Heliacal Sword
- 0 14 //Lightning Sword
- 2 5 //Cristal Sword
- 0 16 //Sword of Destruction
- 0 17 //Dark Breaker
- 0 19 //Divine Sword of Archangel
- 0 20 //Knight Blade
- 0 22 //Bone Blade
- 0 24 //DayBreak
- 1 0 //Small Axe
- 1 1 //Hand Axe
- 1 2 //Double Axe
- 1 3 //Tomahawk
- 1 4 //Fairy Axe
- 1 5 //Battle Axe
- 1 6 //Nikkea Axe
- 1 7 //Larkan Axe
- 1 8 //Crecent Axe
- 2 6 //Chaos Dragon Axe
- 3 5 //Double Poleaxe
- 3 2 //Dragon Lance
- 3 6 //Helberd
- 3 1 //Spear
- 3 7 //Berdysh
- 3 0 //Light Spear
- 3 4 //Serpent Spear
- 3 8 //Great Shythe
- 3 9 //Hill of Barlrog
- 3 10 //Dragon Spear
- 3 3 //Great Trident
- 2 0 //Mace
- 2 1 //Morning Star
- 2 2 //Flail
- 2 3 //Great Warhammer
- 2 4 //Cristal Morning Star
- 6 0 //Small Shield
- 6 4 //Buckler
- 6 1 //Horn Shield
- 6 2 //Kite Shield
- 6 6 //Skull Shield
- 6 10 //Large Round Shield
- 6 9 //Plate Shield
- 6 7 //Spike Shield
- 6 5 //Dragon Slayer Shield
- 6 8 //Tower Shield
- 6 11 //Serpent Shield
- 6 12 //Bronze Shield
- 6 13 //Chaos Dragon Shield
- 12 2 //Satan Wings
- 12 5 //Devil Wings
- 12 36 //Wing of Storm
- 12 7 //Twisting Splash
- 12 12 //Rageful Blow
- 12 19 //Death Stab
- 12 14 //Greater Fortitude
- 12 13 //Impale
- 7 2 //Helm
- 8 2 //Armor
- 9 2 //Pants
- 10 2 //Gloves
- 11 2 //Boots
- 7 4 //Helm
- 8 4 //Armor
- 9 4 //Pants
- 10 4 //Gloves
- 11 4 //Boots
- 7 7 //Helm
- 8 7 //Armor
- 9 7 //Pants
- 10 7 //Gloves
- 11 7 //Boots
- 7 3 //Helm
- 8 3 //Armor
- 9 3 //Pants
- 10 3 //Gloves
- 11 3 //Boots
- 7 35 //Helm
- 8 35 //Armor
- 9 35 //Pants
- 10 35 //Gloves
- 11 35 //Boots
Grand Soul:
- 7 18 //Helm
- 8 18 //Armor
- 9 18 //Pants
- 10 18 //Gloves
- 11 18 //Boots
Dark Soul:
- 7 22 //Helm
- 8 22 //Armor
- 9 22 //Pants
- 10 22 //Gloves
- 11 22 //Boots
Venom Mist:
- 7 30 //Helm
- 8 30 //Armor
- 9 30 //Pants
- 10 30 //Gloves
- 11 30 //Boots
- 5 0 //Skull Staff
- 5 1 //Angelic Staff
- 5 2 //Serpent Staff
- 5 3 //Lightning Staff
- 5 4 //Gorgon Staff
- 5 5 //Legendary Staff
- 5 7 //Chaos Lightning Staff
- 5 6 //Resurrection Staff
- 5 9 //Dragon Soul Staff
- 5 8 //Staff of Destruction
- 5 10 //Divine Archangel Staff
- 5 11 //Kundun Staff
- 5 12 //Grand Viper Staff
- 5 13 //Platina Wing Staff
- 6 14 //Legendary Shield
- 6 15 //Grand Soul Shield
- 12 1 //Heaven Wings
- 12 4 //Soul Wings
- 12 37 //Wings of Space-Time
- 15 3 //Fireball Spell
- 15 10 //Power Wave Spell
- 15 1 //Meteorite Spell
- 15 2 //Lightning Spell
- 15 6 //Ice Spell
- 15 0 //Poison Spell
- 15 7 //Twister Spell
- 15 8 //Evil Spirits Spell
- 15 9 //Hell Fire Spell
- 15 11 //Aqua Beam Spell
- 15 15 //Mana Shield Spell
- 15 14 //Mass Teleport Spell
- 15 12 //Blast Spell
- 15 13 //Inferno Spell
- 15 16 //Decay Spell
- 15 17 //Ice Storm Spell
- 15 18 //Nova Spell
- 15 4 //Flame Spell
- 15 5 //Teleport Spell
- 7 10 //Helm
- 8 10 //Armor
- 9 10 //Pants
- 10 10 //Gloves
- 11 10 //Boots
- 7 11 //Helm
- 8 11 //Armor
- 9 11 //Pants
- 10 11 //Gloves
- 11 11 //Boots
- 7 12 //Helm
- 8 12 //Armor
- 9 12 //Pants
- 10 12 //Gloves
- 11 12 //Boots
- 7 13 //Helm
- 8 13 //Armor
- 9 13 //Pants
- 10 13 //Gloves
- 11 13 //Boots
- 7 14 //Helm
- 8 14 //Armor
- 9 14 //Pants
- 10 14 //Gloves
- 11 14 //Boots
- 7 36 //Helm
- 8 36 //Armor
- 9 36 //Pants
- 10 36 //Gloves
- 11 36 //Boots
- 7 19 //Helm
- 8 19 //Armor
- 9 19 //Pants
- 10 19 //Gloves
- 11 19 //Boots
Red Spirit:
- 7 24 //Helm
- 8 24 //Armor
- 9 24 //Pants
- 10 24 //Gloves
- 11 24 //Boots
Sylpid Ray:
- 7 31 //Helm
- 8 31 //Armor
- 9 31 //Pants
- 10 31 //Gloves
- 11 31 //Boots
Crossbows and Bolts:
- 4 19 //Great Reign Crossbow
- 4 7 //Bolts
- 4 8 //Crossbow
- 4 9 //Golden Crossbow
- 4 10 //Arquebus
- 4 11 //Light Crossbow
- 4 12 //Serpent Crossbow
- 4 13 //Blue Wing Crossbow
- 4 14 //Aqua Crossbow
- 4 18 //Divine Crossbow of Archangel
- 4 16 //Saint Crossbow
Bows and Arrows:
- 4 15 //Arrows
- 4 0 //Short Bow
- 4 1 //Bow
- 4 2 //Elven Bow
- 4 3 //Battle Bow
- 4 4 //Tiger Bow
- 4 5 //Silver Bow
- 4 6 //Chaos Nature Bow
- 4 20 //Arrow Viper Bow
- 4 21 //Sylpid Wing Bow
- 4 22 //Albatross Bow
- 4 17 //Celestial Bow
- 2 7 //Elemental Mace
- 6 3 //Elven Shield
- 6 16 //Elemental Shield
- 12 0 //Fairy Wings
- 12 3 //Butterfly Wings
- 12 38 //Wings of Illusion
- 12 8 //Healing Orb
- 12 9 //Greater Defense Orb
- 12 10 //Greater Offense Orb
- 12 17 //Penetration Orb
- 12 11 //Goblin Summon Orb
- 12 11 1 //Golem Summon Orb
- 12 11 2 //Assassin Summon Orb
- 12 11 3 //Elite Yeti Summon Orb
- 12 11 4 //Dark Knight Summon Orb
- 12 11 5 //Bali Summon Orb
- 12 11 6 //Soldier Summon Orb
- 12 18 //Ice Arrow Orb
- 7 39 //Helm
- 8 39 //Armor
- 9 39 //Pants
- 10 39 //Gloves
- 11 39 //Boots
Red Wing:
- 7 40 //Helm
- 8 40 //Armor
- 9 40 //Pants
- 10 40 //Gloves
- 11 40 //Boots
- 7 41 //Helm
- 8 41 //Armor
- 9 41 //Pants
- 10 41 //Gloves
- 11 41 //Boots
Black Rose:
- 7 42 //Helm
- 8 42 //Armor
- 9 42 //Pants
- 10 42 //Gloves
- 11 42 //Boots
- 7 43 //Helm
- 8 43 //Armor
- 9 43 //Pants
- 10 43 //Gloves
- 11 43 //Boots
- 7 44 //Helm
- 8 44 //Armor
- 9 44 //Pants
- 10 44 //Gloves
- 11 44 //Boots
- 5 14 //Mistery Staff
- 5 15 //Violent Wind Staff
- 5 16 //Red Wing Staff
- 5 17 //Ancient Staff
- 5 18 //Black Rose Staff
- 5 19 //Aura Staff
- 5 20 //Lilium Staff
- 5 21 //Book of Sahamutt
- 5 22 //Book of Neil
- 12 41 //Wing of Misery
- 12 42 //Wing of Despair
- 12 43 //Wing of Violent Wind
- 15 19 //Scroll of Drain Life
- 15 20 //Scroll of Chain Lightning
- 15 21 //Scroll of Electric Surge
- 15 22 //Scroll of Damage Reflex
- 15 23 //Scroll of Night
- 15 24 //Scroll of Sleep
- 15 25 //Scroll of MagicSpeed Up
- 15 26 //Scroll of MagicDefense Up
Magic Gladiator
Storm Crow:
- 8 15 //Armor
- 9 15 //Pants
- 10 15 //Gloves
- 11 15 //Boots
Thunder Hawk:
- 8 20 //Armor
- 9 20 //Pants
- 10 20 //Gloves
- 11 20 //Boots
- 8 23 //Armor
- 9 23 //Pants
- 10 23 //Gloves
- 11 23 //Boots
- 8 37 //Armor
- 9 37 //Pants
- 10 37 //Gloves
- 11 37 //Boots
- 8 32 //Armor
- 9 32 //Pants
- 10 32 //Gloves
- 11 32 //Boots
- 0 18 //Thunder Blade
- 0 31 //Rune Blade
- 0 21 //Dark Reign Blade
- 0 23 //Explosion Blade
- 0 25 //Sword Dancer
- 12 6 //Wing of Darkness
- 12 39 //Wings of Hurricane
- 12 16 //Power Slash
Dark Lord
Light Plate:
- 7 25 //Mask
- 8 25 //Armor
- 9 25 //Pants
- 10 25 //Gloves
- 11 25 //Boots
- 7 26 //Mask
- 8 26 //Armor
- 9 26 //Pants
- 10 26 //Gloves
- 11 26 //Boots
Dark Steel:
- 7 27 //Mask
- 8 27 //Armor
- 9 27 //Pants
- 10 27 //Gloves
- 11 27 //Boots
Dark Master:
- 7 28 //Mask
- 8 28 //Armor
- 9 28 //Pants
- 10 28 //Gloves
- 11 28 //Boots
- 7 38 //Mask
- 8 38 //Armor
- 9 38 //Pants
- 10 38 //Gloves
- 11 38 //Boots
- 7 33 //Mask
- 8 33 //Armor
- 9 33 //Pants
- 10 33 //Gloves
- 11 33 //Boots
- 2 8 //Battle Scepter
- 2 9 //Master Scepter
- 2 10 //Great Scepter
- 2 11 //Lord Scepter
- 2 12 //Great Lord Scepter
- 2 14 //Solay Scepter
- 2 13 //Divine Scepter of Archangel
- 2 15 //Shining Scepter
- 13 30 //Cape of Lord
- 12 40 //Mantle of Monarch
- 12 21 //Firebruts Spell
- 12 23 //Critical Damage Spell
- 12 24 //Electric Spark Spell
- 12 22 //Summon Spell
- 12 35 //Fire Scream Spell
Sets & Weapons:
- 0 35 //Phoenix Gloves
- 0 32 //Sacred Gloves
- 0 33 //Holy Storm Claw
- 0 34 //Piercing Gloves
- 7 59 //Sacred Fire Helm
- 7 60 //Storm Zahard Helm
- 7 61 //Piercing Grove Helm
- 7 73 //Phoenix Soul Helm
- 8 59 //Sacred Fire Armour
- 8 60 //Storm Zahard Armour
- 8 61 //Piercing Grove Armour
- 8 73 //Phoenix Soul Armour
- 9 59 //Sacred Fire Pants
- 9 60 //Storm Zahard Pants
- 9 61 //Piercing Grove Pants
- 9 73 //Phoenix Soul Pants
- 11 59 //Sacred Fire Boots
- 11 60 //Storm Zahard Boots
- 11 61 //Piercing Grove Boots
- 11 73 //Phoenix Soul Boots
- 12 135 //Small Cloak of Warrior
- 12 49 //Cloak of Warrior
- 12 50 //Lord of the Cape
- 15 30 //Chain Driver Parchment
- 15 31 //Dark Side Parchment
- 15 32 //Dragon Lore Parchment
- 15 33 //Dragon Slayer Parchment
- 15 34 //Red Armor Ignore Parchment
- 15 35 //Fitness Parchment
- 15 36 //Defense Rate Parchment
Item Bags:
- 14 11 8 //Box of Kundun +1
- 14 11 9 //Box of Kundun +2
- 14 11 10 //Box of Kundun +3
- 14 11 11 //Box of Kundun +4
- 14 11 12 //Box of Kundun +5
- 14 11 2 //Firecracker
- 14 11 5 //Silver Medal
- 14 11 6 //Gold Medal
- 14 34 0 //Blue Chocolate Box
Potions and Apples:
- 14 0 0 //Apple
- 14 8 0 //Antidote
- 14 1 0 //Small Healing Potion
- 14 2 0 //Medium Healing Potion
- 14 3 0 //Large Healing Potion
- 14 4 0 //Small Mana Potion
- 14 5 0 //Medium Mana Potion
- 14 6 0 //Large Mana Potion
- 14 35 0 //Small SD Potion
- 14 36 0 //Medium SD Potion
- 14 37 0 //Large SD Potion
- 14 38 0 //Small AG Potion
- 14 39 0 //Medium AG Potion
- 14 40 0 //Large AG Potion
- 13 0 0 //Guardian Angel
- 13 1 0 //Imp
- 13 2 0 //Horn of Uniria
- 13 3 0 //Horn of Dinorant
- 13 4 0 //Dark Horse
- 13 5 0 //Dark Raven
- 13 6 0 //Horn of Doom
- 13 37 0 //Red Fenrir
- 13 37 1 //Black Fenrir
- 13 37 2 //Blue Fenrir
- 13 37 4 //Golden Fenrir
- 12 15 0 //Jewel of Chaos
- 14 13 0 //Jewel of Bless
- 14 14 0 //Jewel of Soul
- 14 16 0 //Jewel of Life
- 14 22 0 //Jewel of Creation
- 14 31 0 //Jewel of Guardian
- 14 42 0 //Jewel of Harmony
Quest Item:
- 14 23 0 //Scroll of Emperor
- 14 24 0 //Broken Sword
- 14 25 0 //Tear Of Elf
- 14 26 0 //Soul of Wizard
- 14 24 1 //Dark Stone
- 14 23 0 //Ring of Honor
- 14 68 0 //Eye Ebyss
BC and DS:
- 13 16 1 //Scroll of Archangel +1
- 13 16 2 //Scroll of Archangel +2
- 13 16 3 //Scroll of Archangel +3
- 13 16 4 //Scroll of Archangel +4
- 13 16 5 //Scroll of Archangel +5
- 13 16 6 //Scroll of Archangel +6
- 13 16 7 //Scroll of Archangel +7
- 13 17 1 //Blood Bone +1
- 13 17 2 //Blood Bone +2
- 13 17 3 //Blood Bone +3
- 13 17 4 //Blood Bone +4
- 13 17 5 //Blood Bone +5
- 13 18 6 //Blood Bone +6
- 13 18 7 //Blood Bone +7
- 13 18 1 //Invisibility Cloak +1
- 13 18 2 //Invisibility Cloak +2
- 13 18 3 //Invisibility Cloak +3
- 13 18 4 //Invisibility Cloak +4
- 13 18 5 //Invisibility Cloak +5
- 13 18 6 //Invisibility Cloak +6
- 13 18 7 //Invisibility Cloak +7
- 14 18 1 //Devil Key +1
- 14 18 2 //Devil Key +2
- 14 18 3 //Devil Key +3
- 14 18 4 //Devil Key +4
- 14 18 5 //Devil Key +5
- 14 18 6 //Devil Key +6
- 14 17 1 //Devil Eye +1
- 14 17 2 //Devil Eye +2
- 14 17 3 //Devil Eye +3
- 14 17 4 //Devil Eye +4
- 14 17 5 //Devil Eye +5
- 14 17 6 //Devil Eye +6
- 14 19 1 //Devil Invitation +1
- 14 19 2 //Devil Invitation +2
- 14 19 3 //Devil Invitation +3
- 14 19 4 //Devil Invitation +4
- 14 19 5 //Devil Invitation +5
- 14 19 6 //Devil Invitation +6
Rings and Pendants:
- 13 8 //Ring of Ice
- 13 9 //Ring of Poison
- 13 21 //Ring of Fire
- 13 22 //Ring of Earth
- 13 23 //Ring of Wind
- 13 24 //Ring of Magic
- 13 12 //Pendant of Lightning
- 13 13 //Pendant of Fire
- 13 25 //Pendant of Ice
- 13 26 //Pendant of Wind
- 13 27 //Pendant of Water
- 13 28 //Pendant of Ability